FIDA Indices

The Fida Funds Index (FFI) and FIDA ETF Index (FEI) are proprietary indices representing risk and return on a diverified universe of funds and ETFs.
For each category of funds and ETFs, the indices provide the daily index values on the daily category average return. The FFI Index represents the trend of the funds and SICAVs categories, while the FEI Index represents the trend of the ETF categories.

FIDA Indices

The Fida Funds Index (FFI) and FIDA ETF Index (FEI) are proprietary indices representing risk and return on a diverified universe of funds and ETFs.
For each category of funds and ETFs, the indices provide the daily index values on the daily category average return. The FFI Index represents the trend of the funds and SICAVs categories, while the FEI Index represents the trend of the ETF categories.

FIDA Indices

The Fida Funds Index (FFI) and FIDA ETF Index (FEI) are proprietary indices representing risk and return on a diverified universe of funds and ETFs.
For each category of funds and ETFs, the indices provide the daily index values on the daily category average return. The FFI Index represents the trend of the funds and SICAVs categories, while the FEI Index represents the trend of the ETF categories.



  • Via Cernaia, 31 - IT10121 - Turin, Italy
  • +39 011 58 13 777
